Wing Luxury Shipping Container Office

Our Client

Wing, an Alphabet company, has built a small, lightweight aircraft and navigation system that can deliver small packages–including food, medicine, and household items–directly to homes in minutes.

Project Highlights

Location: Virginia
Size: 1,920 sq. ft.
Year: 2019
Industry: Corporate
IndustryShipping Container Office

The Challenge

Wing needed a field office to support its first fleet of delivery drones in Virginia. Due to the fast deadline needed on the project shipping containers were the perfect solution for the offices. We were able to build it in only 6 weeks.


The Results

Wing’s luxury caught some eyes with its open floor plans and large sliding glass doors. So much in fact, that it took home 1st Place at the 2020 Modular Building Institute Awards for Best Relocatable Office Under 10,000 Sq. Ft. 

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